Call for Artists for the 2025 Spring Show

Registrations are now closed.

You are invited to submit your request to participate in the AVG 2025 Spring Show to be held from Friday, April 25 to Sunday, April 27, 2025,, at the Tétreau Community Centre (Moussette Park) in the Hull sector of Gatineau.

Please read the following instructionscarefully, complete the participation contract and make the payment, if you wish to take part in this exhibition. Please note that sharing a booth is not permitted.

All mediums and levels of expertise are eligible:
Painting, clay/ceramic, fibre, glass, jewelry, mixed media, photography, printmaking, drawing, metal, wood, sculpture and more.

Summary of registration Instructions:
- Price: $100
• The exhibition is open to all members of AVG in good standing.
– Si vous n’êtes pas membre d’Arts visuels de Gatineau, rendez-vous sur cette page pour le devenir :
($25 for new members and $35 for renewals)
• Entries must be submitted before Thursday, March 13, 2025, 5 p.m.
• All works exhibited must be original to the artist.
• Please send your artist’s statement (50 words), contact information and five photos of works in the style to be exhibited, with their information for the labels,to Ces informations seront utilisées à des fins publicitaires.

Completed applications will be processed on a “first come, first served” basis. There are only 37 places available. Beyond this number, registered artists will be placed on a waiting list and reimbursed.

If you have any suggestions for people interested in volunteering or sponsoring the event, please let us know. 

To participate, please view and complete the forms by pressing the three buttons below.  




If the button does not work, please copy this link:        
Call for artists