Effective December 18, 2024.


According to its mission, AVG is committed to serving its members for purely artistic purposes and with no intention of pecuniary gain.


This Code of Ethics applies to:

  1. AVG's Board of Directors (Board), which is called upon to make decisions that will affect all members, volunteers and guests;
  2. AVG members in all their dealings;
  3. to the volunteers who support its activities;
  4. to guests who participate in its activities.


The Board adheres to the following values:

  1. competence: Board members contribute their knowledge, skills and experience to achieving the desired results. They are responsible for their decisions and actions, and for the judicious use of resources and information made available to them;
  2. impartiality: Board members make their decisions in compliance with the applicable rules, and accord equitable treatment to all those with whom they have dealings. They perform their duties without partisan considerations;
  3. integrity: Board members avoid placing themselves in a position where they would be beholden to anyone who might unduly influence them in the performance of their duties;
  4. loyalty: Board members are aware that they are representatives of the organization. They perform their duties in accordance with the directions and decisions taken by their governing bodies.


The members of Arts visuels de Gatineau assume the following values:

  1. respect: members show consideration for all those with whom they interact. They demonstrate courtesy, attentiveness, discretion and diligence. They avoid all forms of discrimination.
  2. solidarity & benevolence: members support each other, regardless of their level of artistic skill.
  3. tolerance: members respect the freedom of others, their ways of thinking and acting.
  4. cooperation: AVG members work together respecting each other's roles.
  5. probity: members act with integrity and honesty.
  6. discretion: members do not share personal information.
  7. recognition: members acknowledge the role of volunteers in AVG activities. 


The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to preserve and strengthen confidence in AVG's integrity, promote transparency and hold the Board and its members accountable.


The Board represents all AVG members. As such, Board members must:

  1. understand their role and responsibility within the organization;
  2. respect and follow the rules and practices established by the Board;
  3. act in the best interests of the organization without malice or deliberate intent towards any member, guest or other organization;
  4. avoid conflicts of interest of any kind;
  5. report to the authorities any situation that may be prejudicial to members.

7. Social relations

In accordance with applicable laws (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian Human Rights Act)) AVG treats its members, volunteers, partners, suppliers and guests with respect and dignity.

  1. Specifically, by providing an atmosphere of safe exchange, without discrimination or harassment, regardless of gender identity, marital status, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability or economic situation.
  2. To this end, members shall avoid:
    1. physical, verbal or written threats;
    2. use physical, verbal or written violence;
    3. physically assault people, including sexual assault;
    4. make derogatory or erroneous comments, unwelcome jokes or crude insinuations;
    5. make unwelcome advances, propositions or insinuations;
    6. initiate unwelcome physical contact;
    7. retaliate against anyone who reports discrimination or harassment;
    8. behave in a way that creates a hostile or negative environment.

c. Misconduct as described above will be considered reprehensible and will be dealt with by the Board of Directors.

8.Use of Works of Art

As an artistic organization, AVG will protect the rights of its members under the Canadian Copyright Act.

  1. Accordingly, AVG and its members
    1. will not use another member's work without written permission, including on electronic or print social media;
    2. will not modify another member's work in any way without that member's permission;
    3. will be respectful of the work of other members and avoid making malicious or derogatory comments that may adversely affect them;
    4. will maintain cultural sensitivity to the inspirations for their work;
    5. will declare the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of their work;
    6. will present only original works of which they are the creators.
  2. For its part, during its activities
    1. AVG will only consider original works produced by an artist-member;
    2. AVG will ensure that full ownership of rights, for authorized use, is always attributed to the member..

9. Use of public facilities

To carry out its activities as a not-for-profit cultural organization, AVG benefits from several Ville de Gatineau facilities and services: library, art galleries, meeting rooms, etc.

  • AVG members, volunteers and guests will use these facilities with respect and will take care not to damage them through malice or negligence.

10. Use of Electronic Devices

To prevent interruptions during official AVG presentations or meetings, members and guests are requested to turn off or mute their electronic devices.

11. Transparency

To ensure transparency, the AVG BOD is committed to reporting to the appropriate bodies on its activities, governance, communications and community involvement.

12. Legislative requirements

In all its activities, AVG is obliged to ensure compliance with municipal by-laws and policies, provincial and federal laws regarding not-for-profit corporations, namely financial reporting, confidentiality, anti-spam, Ville de Gatineau grants and use of its facilities. Legislative requirements will prevail in all activities of the organization.

13. Reporting violations of the Code of Ethics

Members, volunteers and guests must report violations of the Code of Ethics to the President, or to a member of the Board of Directors, orally or in writing, as soon as possible. All incidents reported by a member will be treated confidentially and without fear of reprisal.

14. Resolution of Code of Ethics violations

AVG's Board of Directors will always seek to resolve Code of Ethics violations promptly, positively and constructively.

  1. Where appropriate, the Board will promptly establish a sub-group of 3 Board members to review the situation;
  2. and will facilitate the resolution of conflicts between members.
  3. In cases of serious violations, the Board reserves the right to revoke memberships, remove individuals from the premises or report the incident to the authorities.

At all times, anyone believing themselves to be in danger is asked to contact the civil authorities as soon as possible.

15. Further information

For further information about the Code of Ethics, please contact a member of the Board of Directors or the AVG President.

writing: Claude Bélisle, with the approval of Raymond Charette

Translation: Claude Bélisle