2025 Spring Show 2025 Spring Show Full name * Full name First name First name Last name Last name Address * Phone * Email * Medium * Please check the options below if you need them: I am an artisan and I need a 6 foot table I need drapes Please note that to participate: : You must check one or more tasks from the list below. This task can be done by you or a volunteer you bring with you. Only registration contracts duly paid by March 13, 2025in the amount of 100$ will be accepted. No refunds will be given unless due to force majeure. You must send to bonjour@artsvisuelsgatineau.com a 50-word artistic approach, your contact information (e.g. e-mail, telephone and website) and five photos of works, representing the style to be exhibited, as well as their cartel informationThis information will be used to publicize the event. You agree that the images of your artworks may be adjusted for advertising purposes. Please select one task or more from the list below: Participate in the distribution of advertising cards before the exhibition. Assemble the posters for each booth and make the participants’ badges: this work must be done at the Chénier location one week before the exhibition. This is the equivalent of half a day. Help set up fences and set up the hall on Thursday. Help dismantle the fences and the exhibition (just after the end of the show). Stick the new dates on the posters that will go out on the streets. Help put up the posters on the streets before the show and pick them up afterwards. Give two hours of your time on Friday, April 25, 2025, between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m., to help finalize the exhibition set-up. Greet the public at the welcome table during the exhibition (two 30-minute blocks). A confirmation of participation or a refusal due to lack of space will be sent to you within one to two weeks after receipt of your complete file. Unsuccessful applicants will be reimbursed. Participants must be present at their booth throughout the duration of the exhibition. Failure to comply with this condition will result in refusal of participation in future spring shows. I wish to rent a booth for the Spring Show. I have read the Show regulations, and I will abide by them. * Check for signature. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.