Call for artists - Pierre-Debain exhibition


Hello fellow artists

Instructions for the artists’ members who have presented their interest in participating in the AVG Expo 2024 at the Centre Culturel du Vieux -Aylmer “Hope.” Please note that it is not too late for all our members to participate.

Drop-off information for the artwork:
Thursday, June 6th between 9:15 a.m. and noon and 1:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. or Friday, June 7th, from 9 a.m. to noon

The artist must be a paid-up member of Arts Visuels de Gatineau. Member card 2023-24. Some membership forms will be available for the artists at the time of the deposit. Keep in mind that the membership cost is non-refundable.

The artwork presented must be clean, stable, dry, and ready for installation (3 dimensions) or for hanging (wired appropriately, D rings). Must be framed unless gallery type canvas (sides of 1½ - 2 inches is used or again extremely large canvas with painted sides. Suggestions and photos of proper and acceptable hanging hardware are following for 2-dimensional artwork.

The artist must present artwork that illustrate the theme of the exhibition "Hope". Art presented by the artist must be original work (unique and created by the artist without help) and be relatively recent (2-3 years). Prohibited are unframed paintings (excluding gallery type canvasses and very large canvasses, contemporary style - where the sides have been painted) and plagiarism of any kind is prohibited.

AVG reserves the right to refuse all artwork, which does not conform to the integrity of the artwork and exhibition, and to the limited gallery space of the Centre Culturel which is graciously provided by the City of Gatineau.

The registration fee is $5. For the artwork deposited.  Please bring cash if possible.The artwork must be identified on the back of the work (or elsewhere if artwork is 3 dimensions): Name of the artist, title of the artwork, medium and price. We also ask the artist their phone numbers and e-mail address.  

The artwork will remain at the Gallery – Espace Pierre-Debain for the duration of the exhibition which ends September 29th, the artwork will be ready for pick-up the next day October 1st. Please be advised that any artwork that is sold during the exhibition will remain in the Gallery for the duration of the event and cannot be replaced by another artwork. It is understood that artists will make their own arrangements with their client if the artwork has been sold.

The jury process is slated for June 7th in the afternoon. All other information pertaining to the pick-up of artwork (if not selected), the installation and other pertinent information will be provided at registration time.
Please note that the invitation will only be available via the Internet. The City of Gatineau will provide the electronic invitation shortly, this will allow time to send it to your guests and social media process i.e., Facebook, etc.

The vernissage is on Wednesday, June 12th from 5 p.m. till 9 p.m.

Diane Groulx
And for any additional information;


Collective exhibition of juried artwork from Arts visuels de Gatineau.

When: From June 12 to September 29, 2024

Where: Espace Pierre-Debain, Centre culturel du Vieux-Aylmer, 120 rue Principale, (secteur Aylmer) Gatineau

Cette exposition collective des Arts visuels de Gatineau suscitera chez les visiteurs l’espoir de vivre avec joie, amour et confiance.  Qui n’a pas l’espoir de surmonter ce que la vie nous impose et d’améliorer le sort de nos aimés? Qui ne désire pas un lendemain où la terre humaine existe et respire en paix, sans peur et sans faim?  C’est l’espoir qui nous permet de continuer dans la sérénité. Chacune des œuvres de nos artistes vous invite à réfléchir sur nos attentes pour éviter les déceptions. Et lorsqu’il n’y a plus d’espoir que surgira l’espérance.  

please read the following information carefully: :

► Puisque l’Espace Pierre-Debain est restreint au Centre Culturel, les membres seront limités à présenter seulement une œuvre à deux dimensions pour l’installation sur ses murs.  Aussi, les membres pourront présenter plus d’une œuvre à trois dimensions normalement exposées sur des socles.  All exhibited artwork must be unique and original, and illustrate the theme of this current exhibition «Hope» ;

► The artists/artisans doivent payer 5 $  pour chaque œuvre présentée;

► The artists/artisans doivent déposer leur(s) œuvre(s) avant la date du  jury soit 12p.m. June 7th..

Please communicate, by e-mail to confirm your intention to participate in this exhibition before the drop-off date of your artwork.

►Please note that the invitation card will be available to us via e-mail only. The City of Gatineau will provide the invitation to the exhibition’s opening before June 12, 2024. This will allow you time to send it to your guests.

Pour des renseignements supplémentaires, communiquez avec :

Diane Groulx

Participation coupon – cut and leave a copy at the back or under the artwork and leave a copy when registering:

$5 per artwork presented

Artist's name:________________________________________________________________________________________

TITLE of artwork:____________________________________ _____________________________________________




Detailed information regarding the deposit of the artwork will be communicated shortly before deposits.

All other information pertaining to the selection of the artwork, the pick-up (if not chosen), the installation will be provided to you before deposits.


Les artistes/artisans doivent être membres des Arts Visuels de Gatineau. Si vous n’êtes pas membre, vous êtes prié de visiter notre  page Web pour le devenir : (Annual memberships are renewed before October 1st October).

Art presented by the artist/artisan must be original work and unique; Painting, mixed media, clay/ceramic, sculpture – metal, wood, fibre, glass, photography, printmaking, drawing, other fine artwork. Plagiarism of any kind is prohibited as well as copies and reproductions of any kind (incl. giclées). All artwork in this exhibition will be presented in a professional manner.. Prohibited are unframed paintings (excluding gallery type canvasses and very large canvasses – contemporary style - where the sides have been painted). VAG reserves the right to refuse all artwork which does not conform to these conditions and to this year’s theme "Hope" and to the limited gallery space of the Centre Culturel which is graciously provided by the City of Gatineau. 

Opening reception is on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Pour des renseignements supplémentaires, communiquez avec :

Diane Groulx

Call for artists